Recycling & Incineration
We are specialized in combustion optimization, engineering and supply of combustion grates and grate bars for all fuel types and furnaces for Incineration and Biomass plants for over 55 years.
We provide high-quality castings for our customers in Recycling & Incineration sectors and we are known on the market for our expertise and our high quality standards.
We are committed to continuous development for our customers and work constantly to make the products even better in line with the latest innovations in casting technology. Our engineering department studies and develops parts with innovative designs and proper materials based on our customer’s feedback.

Our cast products for grate furnaces, such as grate bars and lining plates, are manufactured by our suppliers for our customers using different casting processes and we provide precise geometries with the best casting quality by these processes.
A special field of our development activities is water-cooled grate bars with unprecedented service lives for use at the highest heating values.
We also provide various spare parts for various type of Incinerators.